Question : IBM Java & WebSphere - How Demaded is this Field?

Here are the courses i'm looking forward to taking these courses:

Do they worth the time and effort? How easy to get an entry level job after getting well knowledge and skills?

I think its IBM specific...

Any suggestions, ideas, advices will be appreciated

Answer : IBM Java & WebSphere - How Demaded is this Field?

These are both good courses. Java technology is hot these days.

It is more IBM related, than specific. You get to learn the Java language and how to work on the Websphere platform.
That's not bad. You get to learn the Java language that you also can use on other platforms and learn how to work with the Websphere platform.

The demand is high for these technologies and getting an entry level job is not that hard. Maybe a bit harder because of the crisis, but not impossible.
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