Question : Making Custom Schema Attribute Visible In DSA.MSC

After i add new attribute in schema and link them to user class how do i make them visible in dsa.msc ? I can see those attributes in LDP and ADSIEDIT, but not in dsa.msc.Can some one help ??

Answer : Making Custom Schema Attribute Visible In DSA.MSC

Hi Neo,

What I'm saying is, is that getting your own property page to display in ADUC is pretty advanced stuff. I would not claim to have done this myself. You will need to be versed in either C++ or VB and COM programming.

If you want to look into it:

Apart from that, the easy thing is to create a context menu as I stated earlier. Or if you have a Server 2008 / Vista or Win 7 box, the version of ADUC which runs on these includes and attribute editor tab which enabled you to view all attributes in a list (it's basically the same as the attribute editor in ADSIEDIT).

If you havent raised your domain functional level to 2008 you have to make a few changes to the configuration naming context to make the tab visible in ADUC.

See here:

Failing that, if you really want to put on your coding hat, then I would post this question in a programming zone to get experts in this field.

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