Question : D-link router not connecting once security features activated.

I am setting up a wireless router in our office. It works fine when there is not security on it. However once I have activated WEP, WPA, or WPA2 then non of the Laptops will connect. I put in the passcode to make sure I had it correct. The laptops start to connect then either get limited or no connectivity message or cannot resolve the IP address.
Any ideas?

Answer : D-link router not connecting once security features activated.

So, for sure:

If you setup the D-Link as open, the wireless workstation will associate the D-Link and gets IP from the DHCP server that is running on the D-Link.

When you setup the for example WPA security only and restarts the D-Link, computer will associate with it, but dont get the IP...

(When you can't get IP on WPA/TKIP security mode, it typically means that you have bad security key)

Ensure that you are connecting thru the standart windows interface - accessible thru the flashing icon with one computer...

You should also try to delete wireless profile in zero configuration between the change of security mode.
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