Question : problem to access a computer vnc server  using VNC viewer


I have a problem to access a computer vnc server  using VNC viewer (version 4.1.7.) I must past through a Wireless Linksys Router G well configured to open ports and with a key security. I Always HAVE this message:
«reading version failed: not an RFB server?.
What's wrong? I'm new to VNC.


Answer : problem to access a computer vnc server  using VNC viewer

You can't ping the router ?

If you disabled the firewall you should be able to ping the router. Let's start from this.  

Your router is wireless. I suppose you're connecting wireless to it. Do you have overall connectivity ? i mean, what's this router for ? internet ? if so, are you able to surf the net ? if so, then your wireless card is OK and it's a problem with the firewall. If not, make sure your wireless card is OK by testing with another wireless device.

If the router is working OK, then it's not hardware but software. I don't have a wireless router here but you can try something like this:

telnet "vnc_server's_ip" 5900

(you can try port 5901 also)

The other computer's vnc server should answer by saying the version. Press CTRL-C to abort. what does it says ? anyway if you get any response at all (some RFB server answers), this verifies that your router is forwarding packets outside.

Write back when you try this.
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