Question : Interested in creating network boot disk
Hi Everyone:
From a recent post, I learned of the possibility of creating a network boot disk. At this point, I am interested in learning how to create a network boot disk and under what situations this disk would prove beneficial. I network is simple, consisting of two computers.
I look forward to hearing from everyone on this post.
Thank you
Answer : Interested in creating network boot disk
Hello George =)
I think the Best Network bootdisk at present is Bart's one >> http://www.nu2.nu/bootdisk/network/ and it can be useful in case if you dont have an OS on the hard drive..... and cannot use a cdrom to install an OS on it, so you can use a network bootdisk to network this system with another one,,,, and then running setup of the OS from the other system to install the OS or you can copy the entire cd's contents on your hard drive also before runnign the setup! :)