Question : Local DNS query authoritative server


I have a client who's running Windows Small Bus Server 2003, and they have a couple of Windows Mobile devices that are connected to Exchange and also sync to thier XP workstations using activesync. The 'A' record of their mail server is entered into the WinMo devices which points to exchange on their SBS box. This works fine when syncing over the cellular network. However, because there is no loopback address setup for the 'A' record on thier local network, when active sync trys to synchronize locally it fails because it's still looking for the 'A' record. At other clients I have easily solved this by setting up a loopback in the router, however this clients router does not support loopbacks.


What is the best way to solve this?

As a temporary fix I've setup a zone in DNS on the SBS box and have taken over authority for that domain. Then I setup the 'A' record there and point it to the LOCAL address of the SBS box. The problem with that is I have to maintain records for thier website which is hosted at the same domain. And just recently the IP of thier website changed which breaks this setup.

-Is there a way to setup a loopback in DNS?
-Can I make the SBS box authoritative for only one particular 'A' record and forward all other requests?
-Should I just edit the host file on the machines of those who have WinMo devices? (I don't really like this solution if I can avoid it)
-Any other thoughts?

Thanks! If anything is confusing or you need more information just ask.

Answer : Local DNS query authoritative server

> -Is there a way to setup a loopback in DNS?

Afraid not.

> -Can I make the SBS box authoritative for only one particular 'A' record and forward
> all other requests?

This one has a resounding Yes :)

Instead of adding a zone as then adding lots of records simply create the zone as (for example). The Host (A) Record for that zone should be created with a Blank Name so it ends up as "(same as parent folder)" with the internal IP as required.

That gets around authority for the main zone and means you're only responsible for


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