Question : Force Qmail to send Emails in Queue.


Qmail Queue Problem:

I would like to know how to force deliver the emails in queue. I have tried the solutions listed under the following section.

But still so many mails are remaining in queue. Also let me know if possible to force deliver each email separately using "qmhandle" or using any qmail tools.

Already tried "qmhandle -a".

Answer : Force Qmail to send Emails in Queue.

qmailctl is a script -- and it is usually provided with the "distribution" of qmail that you install... so again, I ask if you know which "install guide" you followed when you installed QMail to start with? If not, I can pepper you with additional questions to try to discover which one it is, or we can re-install QMail with a setup we know.

In the mean time, please post the following bits of information...

 1) Run qmail-qstat (it SHOULD be in /var/qmail/bin) and post the 2-line output here
 2) Run qmail-qread (in same location) and post the first 25 lines of the output (qmail-qread | head -25)

The last part will be kinda tricky...
 a) open (for reading) the log file for qmail-send (on my system, this is located at /var/log/qmail/send, but yours may be different)... Remember, QMail uses tai64 timing, and rolls-over log files when they reach a certain size or age -- so I'm only interested in the current log file. So, in my case, I would run:
     vi -R /var/log/qmail/send/current
 b) look at the FIRST line of output of the qmail-qread file -- it will show a MESSAGE NUMBER... for example:
       12 Jul 2009 07:07:05 GMT  #90096614  2123  
     In the above example, the message number is 90096614
 c) Go to the BOTTOM of the log file (current) and search UPWARD for that message number... in my case, in vi I'd enter
 d) The line you "land on" should START with the words (after the tai64 time stamp) "starting delivery"... if not, press n to search for the next prior instance
 e) Post the contents of the line you landed on PLUS all of the lines that follow until the next "starting delivery" line

What you've done is:
 1) read the number of items in the queue
 2) shown the first few entries in the queue
 3) used the queue entry to get the message number for an undelivered message, then found the latest attempt by qmail-send to deliver that message

I'll await your reply!


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