Question : XP: Browser unable to retrieve websites, but nslookup can successfully resolve their name, and the site(s) are pingable.


I am at a customer site, and currently unable to access websites using a browser (IE, Mozilla), but I can resolve names fine.

This occurred after uninstalling NIS2006, which was done using the Symantec "uninstall the product" tool, then rebooted.  Using The Tool was necessary because removing NIS2006 through add/ remove programs prompted for an administrative password, which neither my customer nor I knew.  I also checked through the list of Services for remnants of NIS related things, and inhibited their launching again by disabling them and stopping the service.  Then rebooted.

Using the Mozilla web browser, I went to a website (eg: yahoo) and was unable to.  An error message was displayed reporting: The connection was refused when attempting to contact".

Using the IE browser, going to the same website produces the message: Internet Explorer could not open the search page."

Using a command prompt, resolving a name using nslookup succeeded.

Pinging yahoo by name succeeds too.

I have rebuilt the tcp/ip stack (deleting the winsock entries in the registry, then reinstalling the tcp/ip protocol) and the problem is persisting.

I have reset the tcp/ip stack and the problem persists, but I don't think I issued the correct command.

I'm not sure what to try or study next.

Any thoughts or guidance on how to proceed?

Thank you *very* much in advance for your help.

Answer : XP: Browser unable to retrieve websites, but nslookup can successfully resolve their name, and the site(s) are pingable.

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