Question : Serv-U: Inside IP address all works fine, outside no write/delete access 550 Requested action not taken
I have a Windows Server 2003 box running Serv-U It was running great at the ISP until we moved it inside our building behind our firewall. Now anytime I try to put files to it from outside the network I get a "550 Requested action not taken error". I have list and read access just fine, just can't delete or put files. If I put my laptop on the same lan as the server I can login using the same username/password combo as before and it works perfectly with write and delete actions. The box has the windows firewall turned off, and we have port 21 forwarded to the server in our firewall. Any ideas?
Answer : Serv-U: Inside IP address all works fine, outside no write/delete access 550 Requested action not taken
Nah, problem was the crappy firebox. It denies inbound FTP traffic by default. default!
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