Question : Why is ip on router different to ip from <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a> ??

Hi all,
Just wondering, how come my ip address that is shown on my router config page shows a different ip address than when i go to ?
I'm have an ADSL connection.


Answer : Why is ip on router different to ip from <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a> ??

I guess from all of the above you can conclude that either:
1. somewhere in the connection from you to sits a router that does network address translation. In other words, it hides youir real IP address (the one that you see on your router) from It replaces your IP address with it's own, just like Centrepc's router, or
2. somehow there is a proxy that intercepts your http requests.

You could perhaps try another way of discovering your IP, which is by using tracert. Just do a


and the first address outside of your local network that you see is actually your public IP address.

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