Question : Netware 4.11 login issues
OK, more Novell questioning - I've got another question open and this one will help me close it.
Current Situation -
Netware 4.11 Network running IPX with IP over the top 2 Netware 4.11 Servers for Filesharing (they never die, so I'm not going to replace them) 5-6 Windows Servers (2003) 2-3 Boxes running 1-2 VM Servers Servers have an AD domain on them but the XP clients aren't joined to the domain 75-100 XP clients
I seem to be having difficulty in getting the Win 2003 servers to log into the tree, and need someone who knows more than me to help me out with clearly defining how i need to set up IPX/SPX
If I do an IPXROUTE CONFIG on a workstation that works fine, I get this
NWLink IPX Routing and Source Routing Control Program v2.00
Num Name Network Node Frame ================================================================ 1. IpxLoopbackAdapter feff0306 000802aae88a [802.2] 2. Local Area Connection feff0306 000802aae88a [802.2] * 3. NDISWANIPX 00000000 90f320524153 [EthII] - 253. Local Area Connection 2 feff0306 0050da43cd00 [802.2] *
So, I can see from the above information that I should be configuring my server IPX/SPX settings as follows
Internal Network Number 00000000
Manual Frame Detection Ethernet 802.2 FEFF0306
Well, i thought so anyway.
Now, when I try to log into the tree, I get the following
Your current context is Your current tree is You are attached to Server4
And then it hangs........
Any ideas anyone ?
Thanks Si
Answer : Netware 4.11 login issues
Well, if you're actually getting that far, where it says what your context and tree is and what you're attached to, the questions I have are:
1) Are you using the Novell Client32 on the Windows server, and is it a recent enough version to support Server 2003?
2) When you install the Novell Client32 are you installing it Custom, selecting only IPX, NDS, and deselecting all optional settings especially NMAS, and if the client has it, all ZEN features and iPrint/NDPS?
3) Are the messages you're experiencing, that you posted, from the login script window?
3a) Are you using container login scripts or a profile login script?
3b) In the login script that's running, do you have "NO_DEFAULT" or not?
3c) In the login script that's running, at the top (after NO_DEFAULT" add: MAP DISPLAY ON MAP ERRORS ON
4) Is the login happening initially to Server4 or is there an ATTACH command in the login script? If there's an ATTACH command, then it's destroying the NDS connection and reverting it to Bindery which will make for unpredictable results (other than the predictability of there being problems.) With NetWare 4.x shouldn't ATTACH to another server unless it's actually in another tree. Just having mappings to the other server(s) will attach your already-authenticated session to them - taking up a license on those servers of course, because of the lousy per-connection licensing model Novell used with 3.x, 4.x and 5.x.
5) If it's hanging because it can't get resources on server4 (after initially logging in to the other server) then you should see errors displaying to that effect, once you add the two settings to the login script from 3c). Post those back and we can diagnose the cause.