Question : Cant launch External Company site

Just installed a SBS 2003 premium. I named my domain "". My public domain hosted by my ISP is also "". From any domain PC I cant launch my successfully in Explorer. I can view the site when I bypass my server, which tells that the site is up and running. I think it is a DNS thing but i didnt know how to solve this.
Can any of the expert help solve this?


Answer : Cant launch External Company site

Although the idea is right, the instructions for creating the record are somewhat ambiguous (sorry Marcus). This is what you need to do:

1. Open the DNS Console
2. Expand Forward Lookup Zones
3. Select ""
4. Right click and select New Host (A) record
5. Enter the name "www"
6. Enter the public IP Address of the web server

If you're not sure what the IP address is this command can help you find it:


Where is a DNS server which belongs to Verizon.

Once you've done that you should be able to access the site. You may need to clear the clients DNS cache first with "ipconfig /flushdns".

Note that you will not be able to access the site via, you're limited to the www version.

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