Question : SBS 2003 Internet and Download Problems

I have a computer running SBS 2003 Standard Edition.  I am connected to the internet, but it is very slow especially when trying to download anything.  I was sure it was a DNS problem, but now I'm not sure at all. I have a broadband modem connected to a netgear router and my server and one other laptop are plugged into it. I have DHCP turned off on the router and DNS/DHCP running on the server.  I've ran the internet connection wizard and manually configured multiple times with no success.  I also have forwarders set up to 2 local DNS servers as well as one of my ISPs DNS servers.  I help maintain a network with the same setup where I work and i've made a carbon copy of all the settings at my house and still nothing.  Here is some additional info that may help:
router ip:
server ip:
Subnet Mask:

Answer : SBS 2003 Internet and Download Problems

The only thing that could possibly be causing problems right now is your NIC, we've essentially ruled out everything else.  So the appropriate troubleshooting step would be to install another NIC in the server, disable the original one, and rerun the CEICW to configure things for the new adapter.

Before doing that though, you really should run a few benchmark tests from for comparison purposes.

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