Question : Auto user creation in win 2000 after novell login

I administer a 300 user school Novell network. We are running netware 6.0, with the latest patches. I need to automatically create the windows 2000 user when my novell login is complete. On 10/26/02 user MSTAN posted a thread in which this subject was discussed. I have done everything suggested in that discussion, and I still can't make it work. I'm using the zenworks starter pack from Netware 5.0. The only thing I can think of is I've misconfigured the workstation manager or something.

I have downloaded the latest client from the Novell website. I seem to remember seeing post in the novell newsgroup about zenpol.dll needing to be installed. I've been working at this for most of 2 years, and I seem no closer than ever.

I'm not really a network tech, but that's the slot I'm filling.

Any ideas?

Answer : Auto user creation in win 2000 after novell login

Ok, rought draft from memory (this something I've done exactly 3 times in the last 10 years, and didn't take notes at all);

Drop the CD in and follow along for the ZenWorks install.  Allow it to add the plugins for NWADMIN (on 6.0, this is in SYS:\PUBLIC\WIN32, IIRC)

Download and extract the installer for any client version higher than 4,7, but not 4.91.

Find ZenPol.DLL (or maybe it's ZenPol32.dll) on the client CD from the Zen starter slipstream it into the client install folder (i.e. copy it to the SYSTEM subfolder, replacing the one that's already there.

Install the client on the workstation, being sure to do a "custom" install, and choose the "workstation manager" component.

Using NWADMIN, create a ZenWorks Windows NT/2000 user package.  I don't have the screens memorized, but basically create the new package, then go into the details for dynamic local user and make your choices.  Make sure you associate the package with the OU's where the users that package should affect reside. (you can also explicity associate the package with specific users)

I think that's it.
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