Question : Adding multiple IP addresses assigned from ISP - Routing problem?

I am on a T1 line, previously had 1 IP assigned by ISP, just purchased second IP. T1 line comes into our facility and is now plugged into a switch (previously directly to PIX). A PIX is connected to the switch and works fine using previously assigned IP. I am trying to set up another firewall and map to the new IP. Firewall is plugged into switch, and proper IP's and gateway settings have been verified. I am unable to ping the gateway from this new firewall. I am 99% percent sure there is no error in our new setup but unfortunately the ISP is a local company with, let's just say "inexperienced" technicians.  What are possible problems on the ISP's end that I can have them look at? I think there is some kind of routing issue...can someone provide some ideas? 1st IP address and the 2nd IP address are on same subnet, but it is a /24 subnet. Is this a clue?  Is the new IP routed in some kind of way that will not work for our specific needs? All input is appreciated.

Answer : Adding multiple IP addresses assigned from ISP - Routing problem?

That brings up the question of are you allowing ICMP packets back in from the new firewall. You may want to setup a laptop on the connection with the new IP and disable the fiirewall as to eliminate any firewall configuration problem from the equation. If the ping goes through then you may need to adjust you firewall default route or NAT settings or whatever problem that may be occuring. If the ping does not go through, in this case the provider needs to check their router with a x.x.x.1 and do "show ip route x.x.x.171" (or non cisco equivilant) if it is not going to your network then the problem is that they have not correctly configured the routing table for the new IP address.
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