Question : Static routes

Hi all :-)

Hopefully this will make sense to you networking gurus out there!

We have one physical network, with two address ranges running - 10.10.10.x and 192.168.1.x   (don't ask about the 10.10.10.x - dunno why it was setup that way!)
We have a snapgear firewall on  The firewall has two ethernet ports - one connected to our dsl connection, and the other plugs into our switch.

I would like to be able to communicate between the two networks, and I'm assuming I need static routes or rules somewhere in the mix, but I honestly don't know where to start.  I've tried 'playing' with static routes but so far no luck - I *have* managed to give myself a headache though :)

Any light you can shed would be really appreciated.


Answer : Static routes


1) Renumber one subnet or the other

2) Configure firewall to route traffic (if supported)

3) Configure Windows 2003 server to route traffic

4) Buy and install dual ethernet router, install as described in my earlier post (cheap)

5) Buy and install layer 3 switch (expensive)
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