Question : How to connect two standalone networks

Hi All

Here is the situation.
I have my work network which is on the 10.53... ip range which is a large network of 500+ machines
I have a third party system  which is on the 192.168...ip range which consists of a switch and 2 PC's

My problem is that I need to allow one machine on my work network ro remote control one of the machines on my third party network.

How do I do it??

What I was thinking of was putting another machine on the standalone network with two network cards. One card connected to the standalone 192.168 network and the other network card connected to the 10.53 internal network.

Would I be correct in saying this would allow the new machine to be contacted from the internal LAN and from there would be able to access the information on the 192 network?? and how do I then use VNC?

I have tried smoothwall but was unable to get it working.



Answer : How to connect two standalone networks

Any success with this?
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