Question : Describle the use of VPN advantages and disadvantages

Describle the use of VPN advantages and disadvantages

Answer : Describle the use of VPN advantages and disadvantages

>How do they work people I dont know to much about them

Try to do a summary here...

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Look at the name and you can guess why it is there. It tries to provide the security that a private network gives, over the Internet.

What prevent a hacker from physically intercepting the packet of your trade contact list? the answer is encrption.

So, right from the start VPN development concentrate on encrption. When we are talking about encrption it goes to public keys private keys and all sort of technical terms.

Comparing to RRAS, VPN has the pro and con, which many of the experts has stated above.

security, security and security

very complicated for a wide distribution (you need to pass the public keys to the end users who have no idea what a public key is).
slow transfer rate (encrption)
server CPU consuming (decrption)
pricy (most companies need extra VPN server. BTW firewall usually bundle with VPN server these days)
not popular enough (some stupid ISP BLOCKED the use of VPN)
different standard all around (microsoft windows' setting, iso settings, etc.)
others (network admin does not like it for security reasons. If their network have a virus attack from "local" they now have no control over the problem.)

Some people use VPN so that they can work from home just like sitting in an office. Some people use it to connect two remote branchs so that they looks like one single network.
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