Question : Folder redirection - access denied  Server2003 / XP

I have created a GPO to redirect My Documents for domain users to the Server.  Its the only server with the following roles: AD,DNS,DHCP,Terminal Services

On a logical drive I created a share with everyone having full control in sharing and NTFS. I can access the folder from a client PC and copy files from the client to the My Documents sub-folder created by Windows on the Server. However when I log into the client PC the files from My Documents are not copied over to the Server.  In the applications log I get the following error:

Failed to perform redirection of folder My Documents. The files for the redirected folder
could not be moved to the new location. The folder is configured to be redirected to
<\\dirt-pdc\userdocs\%USERNAME%\My Documents>.  Files were being moved from
 My Documents> to <\\dirt-pdc\userdocs\robin\My Documents>.
The following error occurred while copying My Documents\20080925122612.jpg>
 to <\\dirt-pdc\userdocs\robin\My Documents\20080925122612.jpg>:
Access is denied.

The unc path is \\dirt-pdc\userdocs\robin

Robin is the owner and has full ntfs rights

Answer : Folder redirection - access denied  Server2003 / XP

can you try a completely new share for me?
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