Question : How to get Mac Address of pc over the internet

Hi All

How can I get MAC address of client  pc over the internet. because I want to stop the same pc with different ip everytime to download a software from my server. If there are any other way to stop it then let me know plz.

Answer : How to get Mac Address of pc over the internet

Again, how do the user download files?

If they are using straight FTP, then there is not a whole lot you can do other than setting up userid's and passwords.

Cookies only work if they are accessing a Web server and they do not clear out their cookies.  Although this may be the simplest solution that may work.

The C++ program sample refered to will only work if they are accessing something that will trigger a program and both your firewall and the users firewall allow RCP sessions.  Which means this option will most likely never work.

Most likely the sites that you have gone to and show MAC address are executed sometype of active-x script on the client, which will only work (normally) if the client is using IE.  Other browers, especially when running on non-Windows OS's do not active-x well, if at all.  I do not beleive that there is a way to get MAC address using Javascript.

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