Question : IP router configuration

We have one Intranetware machine with
TCP/IP active.

I have configured its IP address and mask, but where do I specify the router address?

I want this machine to act as an end node, because I already have a router running...

Thanks in advance: Xavier Serra

Answer : IP router configuration

Novell's Default Route is the equivalent of Gateway.

This is from Novell's TID 10013002:

For NetWare 4.x/5.x servers it is recommended that the Default Route be configured in the INETCFG utility:

  2- Select> PROTOCOLS
  3- Select> TCPIP
  4- Select> Static Routing
  5- Select> Enabled
  6- Select> Static Routing Table:
  7- to bring up the Static Route Configuration
  8- Select> "Route to Network or Host" and to Bring up options
  9- Select> "Default Route"
 10- Press down arrow key to "Next Hop Router on Route"
 11- Enter ip address of the router.

 12- Press the key until you have exited INETCFG.
    NOTE: "Save" or "Update" as directed.

If you need more info, holler.

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