Question : unwanted connections
Hi: I was hacked and through netstat I found some connection in my machine which are trying to connect to other machines outside of my network. Here is the log I created with TCPview:
System:8 TCP webserver:microsoft-ds webserver:0 LISTENING System:8 TCP webserver:1048 webserver:0 LISTENING System:8 TCP webserver:microsoft-ds ESTABLISHED System:8 TCP webserver:5292 webserver:1156 ESTABLISHED System:8 UDP webserver:microsoft-ds *:* System:8 UDP webserver:9875 *:* System:8 TCP webserver:1195 TIME_WAIT System:8 TCP webserver:http ESTABLISHED System:8 TCP webserver:http adsl-68-89-146-214.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net:1138 ESTABLISHED
This system 8 is trying to connect outside is there anyway through the command prompt so I can find the root of this process and delete it. Or is there any tool that can do it because the TCPView can not do it when I try to end it it says "unable to query properties for system 8" Thanks
Answer : unwanted connections
Hi I am no born hacker (would love to have a go at some of the spammers but I don't have the time, inclination nor the time to develop the skills) What security measures have you got in place as IIS is notoriously insecure. Also do you have a firewall in place (if not you most probably need one) These links are worth a look but a firewall is probably the mopst important aspect, IIS Lockdown Tool http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/tools/locktool.mspx A complete walkthrough of the IIS Lockdown Tool http://www.iisanswers.com/articles/IIS_Lockdown/IISLockdown.htm Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2.1 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/tools/mbsahome.mspx
Deb :))