The following is from an earlier post of mine. The domain and user name are not necessary if you are logged on to the domain controller, but using it remotely they will be necessary, and may get around your error. If not can you log onto a remote desktop session within the same domain as the PCs you which to change?
Change the name of the computer remotely using the Netdom utility. I made a simple batch file as below, called it ChangeName.bat and then simply enter ChangeName.bat OldName NewName to change the computer name, while logged onto the server. You will be prompted for a password to confirm. The pause statement is simply to keep the DOS window open to view any potential errors. Substitute a Domain Admin name for AccountName and the domain name for domain.
You can also just enter the netdom command and the appropriate parameters and switches.
:: Batch file:
Netdom RenameComputer %1 /NewName:%2 /UserD:domain\AccountName /PasswordD:* /Force /ReBoot
Download as part of the XP resource tool kit: Or download just the netdom utility (scroll 1/2 way down the page)