Question : Extremely Simple Command Line 'Net Use' Question

This should be a very easy question for anybody with knowledge of the net family of commands you can use through the windows command line.  I'm trying to do it from winPE, but it shouldn't particularly matter (though I suppose that would mean it functions most lost winXP).

I'm trying to do a command such as:

net use e: \\computer\projects /user:mydomain\Firstname Lastname *
The problem is the space in between the first name and the lastname for my login.
When I leave the space there, it just goes and tells me the help file for net use, same as if I typed "net use ?"  I've tried just about every variation on my login name I can think of, but everything just seems to give me an invalid login (which makes sense, because they're technically not correct).

I get an error if I try to contain my user name in quotes.  I get an error if I try to contain it in <>.  I get an error if I try to put it in brackets.  I get a lot of errors (nods).

So, does anybody know how to get a user name with a space in it to work properly with the net use command?

Answer : Extremely Simple Command Line 'Net Use' Question

Your user login name has a space?  are you sure?  Login as that person at a workstation and press Ctrl-Alt-Del.  It will tell you who you are logged in as and the proper way to structure it.

You may also want to try quotes as in:

net use e: \\computer\projects /user:mydomain\"Firstname Lastname"
net use e: \\computer\projects /user:"mydomain\Firstname Lastname"

Those are just guesses and will only work if your username does indeed have a space.  also try
net use e: \\computer\projects /user:mydomain\FLastname

Where F = First Name Initial
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