Question : Unable to access shared files over the network - windows xp

Hey folks,

Weird problem - 2 basic Dell machines that we just got in, both running Windows XP, no firewall, not even AV software yet, plugged into the same router, able to see each other in the workgroup,  but unable to access each computer from the other.

Comp1, Comp2 -- both computers visiblein the network, but if you try to access Comp2 to view shared resources from Comp1 for example, you'll be prompted with a login box, and no credentials seem to work at all. I've tried creating new user accounts, accounts with passwords, accounts without, etc.

I'm sure it's just a random internal setting; both machines have internet fine, and permissions for the shared directories are set to full across the board.


Answer : Unable to access shared files over the network - windows xp

I've run into this a few times dealing with XP machines and workgroups.  

By default if your XP system is in a workgroup you will need to change the following setting otherwise you can only authenticate as a guest.

Start --> Run
Local Policies --> Security Options
Network Access: Sharing and security model for local accounts
to Classic - Users authenticate as themselves.

Give this a try.


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