Question : DHCP service wont Start SBS2003

DHCP service is not starting.  
My setup is - A cisco router with a static ip I only have two ip adresses available for external use
196.41.***.*** one of these adresses is for the router so I actually only have 1 ip for use - this is my server ip. We recently bought a hotbrick "soho 401vpn" firewall which i tried to install - I gave the hotbrick the server ip adress gave the server externall card an ip of and left the internal network card on , my aim was to authorize the hotbrick as a dhcp server and forward traffic to which would then intern point to .... This didnt work and i removed the hotbrick gave the server the original externall ip.. and hoped everything was back to normal... exept now the dhcp service wont start and i cant select a dhcp server.

Answer : DHCP service wont Start SBS2003

Look in the Event Viewer for any errors and post here.

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