Question : CISCO Virtual IP? One IP, Two Servers, Three Subnets, and a funeral.

Say we have two sites (we have more really, but this makes it easier):

SiteA: (legacy) and (current supernet)

We have a samba server located at siteA that holds big reference files. I want to create a duplicate server at siteB to reduce the load on the link.

Is there a clever networking way to do this? We have cisco switches and routers, and windows 2003 AD integrated DNS. Windows Round Robin is a no go, as local subnet prioritizing won't work between the 10/8 and 172.16/16.

I vaguely remember there being a clever cisco proprietary method for doing this, involving mac addresses and floating IP's - something similar to CARP... but i may be mistaken

Any ideas welcome :-)

Answer : CISCO Virtual IP? One IP, Two Servers, Three Subnets, and a funeral.

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