Question : !!Remote Desktop!! DirectX On Connection!?!?!?!??!

Hey guys,

   Yesterday it took me all day in and out of these forums to finally figure out how to connect to my home computer from work. Now that I finally did it, I am restricted to a few things that I actually want to use. It appears that DirectX doesn't initialize when I connect to my home computer or any other graphics besides the defaults for that reason. Someone please help me out, maybe there is something that I can install or something!?!?!?

Answer : !!Remote Desktop!! DirectX On Connection!?!?!?!??!

Besides creating a shortcut to the map editor in a "Windowed" mode.  I don't think you can do it full screen.  Copy the shortcut and rename it to somthing else.  At home execute the program and once it comes up, hold down Alt and press enter.  That will window it.  Exit the program normally and then restart it.  See if it opens as a window again.  You maybe stuck if it won't reopen as a window.

Good Luck,

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