Question : Using XP Pro as server

I have 10 computers running Win98SE, all P2 and celeron machines and 1 P4 machine. I want to create a server on which all users have their files. I want to create different users and give different folder permissions and maybe at sub-folder level also. I also want to set up a shared internet connection on the server for all to access. I also want to connect 3 laptops using XP Home and XP Pro to this server if required, to view the data and maybe post some files also.
I had done this using Win2000 Server on the P4 machine. However I have had some problem with the HDD and it requires re-format. Do I really need Win 2000 server or can I get these things done using Win XP Pro also. I hope I can get some good answers. I am not a hardware or software expert but based on the inputs, I can get the things done from our computer guy

Answer : Using XP Pro as server

Nothing against the linux posts in here, but I highly recommend you not do the linux option. Linux is an awesome operating system and completely appropriate for this task but if you don't already know it, the learning curve is really steep. Since you already have a sense for Windows, you'll get that working 10 times faster. The recommendation to use Small Business Server makes sense but it gives you a lot of things you don't seem to want like Exchange and stuff. Just a plain old Windows 2003 server would be pretty easy too. You could even avoid Active Directory altogether and just create the necessary accounts on the Windows 2000 server - all of those steps are similar to things you've already done in XP so the learning curve won't be too bad.

I don't know much about points but yes, I think you assign them to whomever you found to be the most helpful and you can actually split them up and give some to one person and the rest to another. I'm way late in the game in responding to this and just adding my two cents - no need to give me any points whatsoever!
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