Question : Rconsole 3.12 with Client32?!?!?!?!?

I am logged to Novell Netware 3.12 Server with Client32 v3.0 for Win98.
Please, tell me how I can use RConsole in DOS Prompt.
I have rconsole v3.75 but server's list is empty.

Answer : Rconsole 3.12 with Client32?!?!?!?!?

3.75 has a bug in it where it doesn't always show all of the servers. If you exit and reload a few times, your server may appear if you're sure that the server has the NLM's loaded. Just because the AUTOEXEC.NCF contains the commands doesn't mean that the server has loaded the modules. AUTOEXEC.NCF is only read when the server boots. If the server hasn't been booted since the AUTOEXEC.NCF has changed, the changes haven't taken effect. Got to the server console and manually enter the commands. This will not hurt the server if they've already been loaded but will assure you that the modules have loaded.

Get the updated version of RCONSOLE and the bug should clear.


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