Question : Arin regulations about IP
I need to have several IP from non consecutive ip blocks.
This is for search engine optimization purposes.
My provider says that they have to provide a reason to ARIN why they need ip from non consecutive ip blocks, and that search engine optimization is not an acceptable answer.
Here is their answer:
Due to restrictions levied by ARIN on how we are allowed to assign IP space, we are limited on the number of active IP ranges in which to assign IP addresses from. Additionally, as David discussed earlier, we are not able to use search engine optimization as justification. Therefore, without specific technical justificaiton we will not able to accomidate requests for additional IPs from non-consecutive blocks.
So I need a good technical reason (it's an excuse I know) for needing IP from non consecutive blocks
Answer : Arin regulations about IP
Some more ideas,
You could try saying you are setting up a free speech foundation and need seperate ip blocks to fool firewalls in countries with repressive regemes.
You are running an IRC host and need different ip ranges to effectivly manage your clients.
Find someone else in your situation and do a ip exchange?
Ask your provider to contact arin as if you were different clients that need to be distinct frm each other.
There all a bit wacky but its a very difficult thing to justify, requires much more complex routing for arin and your provider so is discouraged.