Question : Finding out domain name of an IP address listing

Hi. Thanks in advance for your response. I have recently setup a site tracking service for my website and I notice that I receive a lot of hits from a particular domain, but for each one I get this in the IP Address field.

IP Address   146.82.36.# (Various Registries)
The domain name field says "unknown."

I am just curious to find out if there is a way to find out which domain my visitors are visiting from based on that little amount of information as well as the time of the hit. Thanks for your help.

Answer : Finding out domain name of an IP address listing

Tracing IP addresses and Domain Names


Europe - Ripe (Whois) Database - IP Search

The RIPE Network Management Database (the RIPE Database) contains information about

Allocations and assignments of IP address space
Internet routing
Reverse DNS
Related objects.

The data is put into the database by those who operate IP networks
within the RIPE region. The RIPE NCC supports the operation of the
RIPE Database, but it is not responsible for its contents.

The data is accessible by a whois service (  Thus, the RIPE
Database is sometimes called the RIPE Whois Database.

*****Americas, Caribique and Africa*****

ARIN Whois

ARIN's WHOIS service provides a mechanism for finding contact and registration information for resources registered with ARIN. ARIN's database contains IP addresses, autonomous system (AS) numbers, organizations or customers that are associated with these resources, and related Points of Contact (POC).

*****Aisia & Pacific Regeon*****


APNIC is one of four Regional Internet Registries currently operating in the world. It provides allocation and registration services which support the operation of the Internet globally. It is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation whose members include Internet Service Providers, National Internet Registries, and similar organisations. APNIC represents the Asia Pacific region, comprising 62 economies

*****Domain Name Tracing*****

NSI Whois Domain-names

*****Tracing Software*****

VisualRoute® Personal Edition
Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us