Question : Can my Email and Website be on Separate ISPs?


I am in the process of transitioning my old website which is a static HTML / FrontPage site to a new dynamic site built on Dot Net Nuke.  My old site is hosted at ISP #1.  My new site which is ready for deployment will be hosted at ISP #2 that specializes in DNN.  I am all set to take the second site live but for one problem.  The new ISP #2 does not have a secure reliable email set-up.  I was aware of this going in and was told that I should use Gmail as my email provider.

Eventually I do plan to set up Google apps and use Gmail.  During the short-term I was wondering can I leave my email on the old ISP and transfer my website to the new ISP?  My domain is listed with Network Solutions.  Is there something I can do with the A and MX records to point http requests to ISP#2 and email requests to ISP#1?

Is there any risk in doing this?  I need to make sure my email does not go down and that my email is not somehow flagged as spam because of this.  Today being Sunday would be an ideal day to make the switch.  Please provide as much info as possible.  Thanks!!!

Answer : Can my Email and Website be on Separate ISPs?

MX needs to be set to something like where the A recrd for mail points to your new mail ISP.

The A record for your website needs to point to your webhosting companies IP Address.

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