Question : Lotus Domino Relay Host

Hi i run Lotus Domino Release 8.0.2 on windows. I am being affected by many spam emails. To fight against spam, i have installed "McAfee virtual appliance" which is like a secure content management that filters all my incoming/outgoing emails for spam and viruses.

On my domino also i have choose to send emails through the mcafee device, and under "router/smtp" on domino configuration i have put ip address which is my mcafee device. Outgoing emails are being transfered successfuly to the mcafee device and delivered to recipients.  i can see someting like "router message transfered to

Now i am not being able to receive any mails, all my incoming emails are being queued onto the mcafee device! is there any additional configuration that i should make onto domino to instruct it to fetch all emails from the mcafee device? Or should i instruct the mcafee device to deliver all emails to the domino server after virus & spam filtering?

normally under console i should be seeing:

"router connected ( 1 message received"
"message "xxxxxx" delivered to [email protected]"  

Answer : Lotus Domino Relay Host

Sounds like you've done what needs to be done fom the Domino perspective.  You can confirm by checking the Domino onsole when you foce delivery.  Is the MacAfee even getting to Domino?  Doesn't sound like it.  So, you will need to concentrate on fixing the MacAfee configuration.
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