Question : 5 Computers, 2 Ethernet/Wireless Routers, 2 Networks, 1 Cable Internet Connecion

I know just enough about networking to get my servers, workstations to see each other over a tcp/ip network, I suck at routing, NAT, and anything else

The Connection:
Comcast Cable Modem (always connected)

Network "1":
Linksys Ethernet/Wireless Router #1, HP WindowsXP Computer, Compaq WindowsXP Laptop

Network "2":
Linksys Ethernet/Wireless Router #2, 2 Slackware 9.0 Servers, 1 Windows 98 Laptop, (possably more coming soon)

The Problem to solve:
Network 1 needs to have the two XP computers able to get online via the cable modem.
Network 2 needs to have access to the internet via the wireless connection to Router #1 from Network "1"
I would like to use DHCP for all the computers/routers involved, if possable.
I assume NAT would be involved on several levels.
Idealy, I would like to prevent the computers/workgroups/domains on a network from seeing computers/workgroups/domains on the _other_ network _at all_.

My Problem:
I don't know the specifics of how to set this up, someone please help :-D
A step-by-step would be ideal :-D


Answer : 5 Computers, 2 Ethernet/Wireless Routers, 2 Networks, 1 Cable Internet Connecion

If I am reading you diagram correctly and understanding what you are saying, when you try to connect through the linksys router (which looks as though it is also a DHCP server) it fails. If you bypass the linksys and go to the slipstream, you can connect? If you notice that both DHCP servers are the same IP address will cause you problems. Are you using the default subnet mask or are there two different subnet masks, one for each network? You may just try changing the linksys IP address to something else that doesn't conflict with anything else on the network. Also if the linksys is the same IP as the other router, it may not be getting its IP through DHCP from the other router. Basically the second network is very confused as to what to do. If you really don't want the other network to see the first, you will probably need to make it a totally different network, if you haven't already.
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