Question : Rooming profiles

i have domain with win2000 and profiles for avery client (rooming profiles) when the logen to pc the pc very slow take a bout 5 min or more , i went to know how make the client logen fast and make the rooming profiles ....

  my server have 1 Gb Rem
                           2 Gb proco


Answer : Rooming profiles

You can lessen the network significantly by redirecting the "My Documents" folder to a network share (well, basically the user's home drive). That way, the users will always have access to their files, but you won't have unnecessary file transfers. In addition, there's a group policy with which you can exclude folders (Temporary Internet Files!) from roaming.

Redirecting the My Documents Folder for All Users in Windows 2000

Administrator Cannot Access Another User's Redirected My Documents Folder

Redirecting My Documents to a Subfolder Produces Unexpected Permissions

Enabling the Administrator to Have Access to Redirected Folders

Configuration of the My Documents Folder

Registry Settings for Folder Redirection in Windows

Recovery of Encrypted Files on a Server
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