Question : NetWare: System has IP address conflict with itself

Now, I know that sometime people lose their minds and begin talking to themselves but I didn't know it could happen to servers!

We have 13 NetWare servers (mix of 5.1 and 6.5) and 8 Windows servers.  I have *2* NetWare servers that are getting the following message on their console:
This server and the system having the hardware address 00-0b-cd-6b-a5-46 have conflict for IP Address

Warning: Duplicte IP Address in use.  Contact your system administrator.

The rub here is that the MAC address is that of the system itself.  So, it is in essence telling me that my NetWare server has an IP conflict with itself!  I need to find out what the issue is because these servers are blasting packets all over the place and causing some network issues along the way.

Any help as to what could cause this issue?

Answer : NetWare: System has IP address conflict with itself

You need to clear your ARP tables.  One of your switches still thinks the server is on a different path.
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