Question : Trying to network my two computers together
Okay sorry about the low pointage, I don't have anymore :( Heres my problem. I've got 2 Windows XP pro machines trying to connect to eachother via a direct cable, no hubs. I had no problems before with my other computer, but the power supply just died so i'm trying to get this old computer back on to the network.
I go to my network places and I read the instructions very carefully. I want this computer to connect to the internet and the other one to connect to computer 1 to access internet.
I know what i'm doing unforunetly none of it ever works. I do the wizard setup on computer 1 then on computer 2 and they wont connect to eachother. They are using the same network cards too.
Both computers have stupid onboard ethernet cards that try to compete when I want to use the netgear ones, so I disable the other ones, nada nada nada. I'm out of idea.
When you stick 2 damn computers toghether with the same OS there shouldn't be any problems....I hate computers.
Answer : Trying to network my two computers together
1. enable all network cards. 2. enable internet connections 3. disable xp firewall. and any other types of firewalls. 4. check to see if computer 1 can connect to the internet , if it does continue , if it doesnot then run ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew in the command prompt. 5. enable ICS and follow the wizard , after completion. try to connect to the internet from computer 2. 6. if fails type ipconfig/all in the command prompt and post the log here if possible.... you should have a 192.x.x.x.x ip address. if fails the run ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew on it. then try connecting to the internet. 7. if fails again. try pinging the first computer . and vice versa , from computer 1 ping 192.x.x.x.x from computer 2 ping computer 1. you can do that by typing ip config/all in computer 1 and see what ip address its getting example ping
can they ping each other ??????????