Question : slow xp - xp transfer speed

I saw this question couple of times already, but none of the solutions provided works with me. It is really strange - becouse untill yersterday the transfer speed was OK
Two weeks ago I have installed a 2 computer network (both with xp) conected via a USRobotics router.
File Sharing installed, Netbios over tcp/ip enabled on both computers, no firewall.
UNTILL yesterday the transfer speed was FINE. Suddenlly , I get some huge transfer delays - but I did'n made any modification/instalation on the PC's. The only thing that I have installed is a emule (edonkey) client.
Both PC's are connected at 100 MB/s

What the hell could be the problem ?
Many thanks,

Answer : slow xp - xp transfer speed

Well my friend , let's come back to some basics.
Here's some quotes from your posts:  << 8Mb/s instead of 0.5 Mb/s >> & <>
MB/s = MegaByte / second        Byte = Octet = 8*bit
Mb/s = Megabit / second  
So, there's a big difference between Mb and MB.
MB It's 8 times bigger than Mb
Now, you can't have <> unless you have Gigabit on copper connection, which I doubt.
So, you have a 100Mb/s connection, wich means the maximum theoretical transfer rate is about 12.5 MB/s.
But this is theoretical. You said the "normal" value is 8Mb/s's in fact 8MB/s and indeed is normal, since from 12.5MB/s you have to substract some losses, other traffic, you are limited by HDD max speed, etc.
So 8MB/s it's ok. That's you "normal" transfer rate.
Now, to get closer to my explanation. Some networks run at 10Mb/s instead of 100Mb/s.
This differs according to cabling and equipments used. HUB family runs at 10Mb/s
I know that your equipments are 100Mb equip, but defectuous cabling can turn a 100Mb/s cable in a 10Mb/s cable.
If there's a problem with your cable, that doesn't necessary means that it won't establish a link, but a link at 10Mb/s because of defective cabling is possible.
So. 10Mb/s means a theoretical 1.25MB/s transfer. You've reported 0.5Mb/ fact is 0.5MB/s what you wanted to write and is between the limits I consider acceptable for a 10Mb network.
So, everything can be just a cabling issue in my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, at least you've learned something and I've practised my English which is very poor and I have to appologize. We both earned some experience ;-)

P.S. I've suggested Virus scan since some of the new worms make an enormous internet traffic
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       You hate Bill Gates? Hate Micro$oft? Come to us. Learn Linux. That's what I do now, and I f***in' like it. At the moment I use M$ win just for some games i still play and I can't play them in emulation or didn't find a linux version for that.

Be well
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