Question : Drive Mapping Failures - Seemingly No Pattern
We recently rebuilt all of our servers with the help of an outside company that helps support schools. We're running Open Enterprise Server now on 3 boxes, all in the same tree/context. We've got ZENWorks 7 too by the way, and I'm loving it!! =)
My problem: I'm having trouble with my drive mappings. So far it's only happening with my F: drive, which is our main data volume on our file & apps server (home directories, databases, etc). Here is the error:
LOGIN-LGNWNT32.DLL-430: The following drive mapping operation could not be completed. [ROOT F:=ALPENA/DATA:\APPS]
What's odd is it doesn't happen everytime. Sometimes it maps, sometimes it doesn't. The times that it doesn't map, I can almost always just do a simple "right click the red N" and relog real quick and boom, maps fine. It happens with all users, on all machines. I've had a few folk suggest perhaps my SLP configuration? It's one week before school starts is why I've listed this as urgent, and we heavily depend on that drive mapping, so I'm hurting for help. Not sure what other info I should post on the subject, but I would greatly appreciate any help. Our school district is a recent Novell convert (complete, no MS servers left). I'm loving it so far, but just having a few troubles like this one. My learning curve is a bit steep I'm afraid .
Thank you, and take care!
Bron Rogers Technology Director Alpena School District
Answer : Drive Mapping Failures - Seemingly No Pattern
I wonder if somehow the bind order changed for the 2 interfaces.
You need to make sure the DA address is the private address, and the only way I know to do that is:
Load MONITOR go to Server Parameters Select "NCP" Change "NCP Exclude IP Addresses" from NONE to the public IP address
Then do the same for "Service Location Protocol" - change "SLP Exclude IP Address" from "NONE" to the public IP address.
If you leave "SLP Agent IP Address" set to the default, "FIRST", then by excluding the public address, even if it's first-bound, it won't assign it as the SLP agent address.
You could, however, set it to the private IP address, then it won't even have to check.