Question : Urgent! Does anyone use ASUS AAM600EV ADSL ROUTER, Need help!

I want to add a MSS value to my ADSL ROUTER. But It looked like making a mistake by myself. Now I have some problems with my ADSL ROUTER. And the ADSL ROUTER dosn't work any more.

I use 'ip' command to add a MSS value to my ADSL ROUTER.

First, I run this command> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device1 mss 1452

and I got a error message
ip: tcpclamp - device "ppp_device1" has not been defined

then, I run this command> ip tcpclamp add 1 mss 1452

and I got a error message again
ip: tcpclamp - device "1" has not been defined

Third, I run this command> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device 1 mss 1452

I got a error message again
ip: tcpclamp - syntax error in "add ppp_device 1 mss 1452"

Last, I run the command> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device mss 1452

Nothing displayed.

I thank it may be succeed. I want to save the config. But I didn't know how to do. So I run 'help' command to see which command I can use. But it too simple. I choose the 'save-cust' command. After I entered 'save-cust' command, it displayed "Updating flash filing system ...". And all of the LED light of MODEM turn light.
After waitting a long time, I exit telnet. It haven't any change. So I press the 'reset' switch. But it still haven't any change. Then I turned off power and waitted a while. Then turned on power. But now, the "POWER","Line" and "PC" turn on, others turn off. And my ADSL ROUTER doesn't work anymore.

Could anyone can tell me how to fix it? Thanks a lot!

This is entire process

**********Begin of process****************

                    ADSL User Mode Console
                           Main Menu
                  1.Display Version.
                  2.ADSL Line Status.
                  3.Quick Setup Wizard.
                  4.Network Service Maintenance.
                  5.Network Status
                  6.System Maintenance.
                  7.Screen Display Mode.
                  8.Reset Modem.
                  9.Exit User Mode Console.
    MODEM CONNECTED. Download:6144 Kbps, Upload:640 Kbps.
             Press '.' to Back, 'ESC' to Main Menu.
    Enter Your Selection[1-9]: 9

    Enter PASSWORD(ESC: Exit Telnet Connection.): ********

    Enter Operator Mode Console...

    Press Any Key to Continue...

    Exit User Mode Console.> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device1 mss 1452
ip: tcpclamp - device "ppp_device1" has not been defined> ip tcpclamp add 1 mss 1452
ip: tcpclamp - device "1" has not been defined> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device 1 mss 1452
ip: tcpclamp - syntax error in "add ppp_device 1 mss 1452"> ip tcpclamp add ppp_device mss 1452> help

Commands are:

ap             atm            bridge         bsp            buffer
bun            chips          clrcfg         config         cpclrcfg
dhcpserver     dnsrelay       edd            ethernet       event
flashfs        httpd          ip             isfs           led
nat            oam            oamcli         portcli        ppp
r1483          restart        restore-cust   save-cust      snmp
testled        tftp           uptime         user           version

  '.'        repeats the last command
Type 'help all' or 'help ' for more details> help config
config   []           - send command to config process> help save-sust
Unknown command 'save-sust'> help save-cust
save-cust (null)                - Save Customer Default.> save-cust
Updating flash filing system ...

***********End of Process***************

This is the configuration infomation have been saved before I made change.

ADSL User Mode Console
                    System Maintenance Menu
                1.View All Configuration.
                2.Factory Default Configuration.
                3.Firmware Update.
                4.BootROM Update.
    MODEM CONNECTED. Download:6144 Kbps, Upload:640 Kbps.
             Press '.' to Back, 'ESC' to Main Menu.
    Enter Your Selection[1-4]: 1

Module 'bridge':
Active configuration:
Port 1: 'edd'
Filter age time: 1080

Stored configuration:
Port 1: 'edd'
# Spanning tree configuration
bridge spanning disable

Module 'nat':
event 2

Module 'dnsrelay':
Server discovery mode : MANUAL
Primary DNS Server address    :
Secondary DNS Server address  : yyy.yy.yyy.yy
Current DNS Server address    : - Connected
Max connection retries: 3

Module 'portcli':

Module 'r1483':
Active configuration:
pvc none atm

Stored configuration:
pvc none atm

Module 'oamcli':

Module 'bsp':
Active configuration:
gain 4
mode auto
priority g.hs
autostart on
debug off
trellis off
eventmode off

Stored configuration:
gain 4
mode auto
priority g.hs
autostart on
debug off
trellis off
eventmode off

Module 'ppp':
1 pppoe atm 0 35
1 welogin xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx ****** chap
1 enableprimarydns relay
interface 1 dialout enable
interface 2 dialout enable
interface 3 dialout enable
interface 4 dialout enable
interface 5 dialout enable
interface 6 dialout enable
interface 7 dialout enable
interface 8 dialout enable
interface 9 dialout enable
interface 10 dialout enable
interface 11 dialout enable
interface 12 dialout enable
interface 13 dialout enable
interface 14 dialout enable
interface 15 dialout enable
interface 16 dialout enable

Module 'ip':
device add ppp_device ether  //ppp/DEVICE=1 mtu 1492
device add ethernet   ether  //bridge   mtu 1500
device add loop       loop   //loop     mtu 1500
nat add ppp_device
tcpclamp add ppp_device

subnet add loop.home      .        ff:00:00:00
subnet add ethernet.home  .      ff:ff:ff:00

rip send    ppp_device 1 2
rip send    ethernet 1 2
rip send    loop     none
rip accept  ppp_device 1 2
rip accept  ethernet 1 2
rip accept  loop     1 2

autoloop on

relay ppp_device ppp_device
relay ppp_device ethernet
relay ethernet ethernet
relay loop ppp_device forward
relay loop ethernet forward

ipatm lifetime 60

# IP host table:

# Port table:
l2tp       1701/UDP
router     520/UDP
snmp       161/UDP
tftp       69/UDP
http       80/TCP
telnet     23/TCP

# SNMP configuration:
access read public
access write admin

Module 'Build': 71205a100geit3bd3000

    Press Any Key to Continue...

Answer : Urgent! Does anyone use ASUS AAM600EV ADSL ROUTER, Need help!

I thought you indicated the unit was no longer responding.  After you connect via the serial port what do you get?
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