Question : Cannot browse using Windows XP
After removing spyware the pc (running xp pro sp2) is no longer able to browse the internet. Both wired and wireless connectivity was shown as limited - and sure enough I am unable to use the DHCP server on the router to assign an IP address automatically. Setting a static IP address removes the limited connection message but I still can't browse. I can ping internal and external IP addresses but cannot resolve any names. I've run winsockxpfix.exe which didn't resolve the problem.
I've come across this issue once before and had to reinstall XP to resolve the problem (on the advice of MS). This worked but I'm loathe to do it in this instance as the pc is heavily customised and will require a reasonably large amount of work to restore. Oh, and the client wants it back fully working tomorrow.
Any thoughts would be most welcome.
Answer : Cannot browse using Windows XP
The WinsockFix utility was broken with the addition of SP2, and Microsoft added that netsh command to fix this specific problem... :)
But am very glad that we could help you out here, and hope for clear sailing ahead for you!