With so little info provided, I am simply taking a guess at your issue...
If your receiving mail then that means that 'pop3' is working for you. Outgoing mail is sent via 'smtp'. There could be a couple of possibilities here:
- Is it possible that your SMTP mail server address is incorrectly entered into your mail program?
-Some internet providers (like most cable modem internet providers) block the SMTP port to help prevent spam from originating from their networks. In these cases you must use your internet service providers SMTP server address for outgoing mail, and not your 'other' mail servers outgoing (SMTP) mail server address.
-Depending on who is providing you with your email service, it is also possible that you may need to give your IP address to your mail server administrator so that they can enter it into the mail server as an allowed address for sending email from.
Hopefully this may help you out... If not please provide us a little more info, like:
-who is your internet service provider?
-who is your email provider?
-what are the error messages that you get when you "can't send mail"?
Good luck!!! ;]