Question : Setting up WEP

I have a NetGear wireless router, two PC's and a laptop with wireless cards.  We have a workgroup home network set up to share a cable internet connection.  I would like to learn how to set up WEP on the wireless access point. Where can I go to learn how to do this?

Answer : Setting up WEP

The router should have come with a CD that will set this up automatically.  If not, or you dont have the CD, type into internet explorer (assuming that you havent changed from the router default).  This will take you to the config page, where you can specify between WEP, WPA, and none.  If doing WEP, 128bit is the best.  After you select which security to use, you will have to specify a pass-phrase, which will generate a hexidecimal key which will be entered into all the devices that you use to connect to the network.  If you select WPA for the encryption type, the passphrase will also be entered into the devices connecting to the network.  WPA is stronger than WEP and if your devices support it, I would use WPA instead.
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