Question : Novell-how do you skip the windows login after novell

I am on a school networking system.  When students log in the computers, they have to log in two times.  I would like to eliminate that.  Students have to log in novell, then log in windows.  Does anyone know how I can login to novell and have it bypass the windows login.  WINDOWS XP SYSTEM.


Answer : Novell-how do you skip the windows login after novell

"Novell" is a company. It makes a number of products, including "NetWare", "SUSE Linux" and "Open Enterprise Server". One does not "login to Novell" just like one does not "login to micro$oft". Try "login to NetWare" or "login to OES".

The Answer depends in great part as to the VERSION of NetWare or OES, the VERSION of Novell Client 32 in use, and the availability of other tools, such as ZENworks. Since none of this was mentioned, I'm going to assume a modern environment using NetWare v6.5 and Client 32 v4.91. Since this is a school and the typical Educational Licensing Agreement with Novell throws ZENworks, GroupWise and BorderManager in the package, I'm also assuming that ZENworks v6.5 is available.

Easiest way to do this is to use ZENworks for Desktops and its Dynamic Local User (functionality). This TID ( may help get you started.
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