The 2nd (voice) line does not go thru any DSL electronics (aka DSLAM). Therefore. the req'd DSL signal which is "modulated" on to a voice line should NOT present on the 2nd line.
However, even they take 2 different physical paths to the home, he 2 lines could be inadvertently tied together at the home via a faulty 4-wire phone (or related phone accessories) equipment or outside at the Network Interface Device (aka NID).
Run an intial (pre) speedtest ( a/o copy down your DSL modem/router statistics (noise, attenuation, speed, bandwidth, errors, etc. Then, if applicable, try removing all Line2 phone devices or (better yet) disconnect the (RJ11) Line2 jack at the NID and re-run your (post) speedtest and refresh/re-record your DSL modem/router "DSL Stats" page.
If you need further assistance, I recommend you post your pre and post test results from above - along with the DSL speeds you are supposed to receive from your ISP..... P2E