Question : VPN Setup with 2-Wire 2700 HG-D and MicroTech 560 VPN Router

I can't believe I can't figure this out, please respond like your talking to an idiot (I won't be offended, but rather grateful)

Current network config:

Main office:
Actiontek 701 DSL modem set with an IP address of and a DHCP address range of to .100.
Our server has a static IP of The ethernet port of the modem is connected to a 24 port switch which in turn is connected to a frame relay. This is how our sattelite locations connect to the server. The first remote location has it's router IP address set to 192.168.20.X and the third to 192.168.30.X (I think X = 1 but maybe 2)

What I want:
To eliminate the frame relays and use a VPN instead.
We have new 2Wire 2700HG-D DSL Modem/Routers and MicroTech 560 VPN routers (a set for each store). How do I configure these to work?
I've gotten so far as to understand that I need to set the DSL modems up as a "bridge" and enter the PPPoA settings in the routers but everything goes to hell from there, no internet, slow access to the server etc. (this is just at the main store, I havn't even got to the VPN part yet).

I'm hoping someone is familiar with these two devices and how to make them work together, I will respond quickly to any questions.

BTW, I do have static IP's from Qwest and know all the pertainent info, DNS's, subnet, gateways etc.



Answer : VPN Setup with 2-Wire 2700 HG-D and MicroTech 560 VPN Router

Too bad you didnt buy linksys VPN routers, you would probably have it running by now.  You want the communication to be IPsec and set the two VPN endpoint routers with complementary settings, but how are you going to have the main central router accept VPN requests from dozens of other routers?  Does the MicroTech have this capability?  It is an unfamiliar brand, you will probably have to get the MicroTech people to tell you how to set it up, or you might get lucky and find someone who has used this router.
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