Question : create an account through logon script

I would like to create an account "Administrator" which is a domain administrator account, in each machine on the network.
My script will be like:
when you go to Control Panels--->User Accounts---Add, then you enter user name and domain.

I am in Windows 2000 domain.


Answer : create an account through logon script

Hmm, I don't think I'm understanding you correctly

I thought you meant you wanted a LOCAL machine account to be created with LOCAL administrative privileges.  If you want a DOMAIN account with DOMAIN administrative priviliges, then you only need one account to do it.  If you have a DOMAIN account that needs to have LOCAL administrative priviliges, then you would just put in the line

net localgroup administrators /add mydomain\useracct

If it's something else you require, please explain as I am quite lost on what you need ;)

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