Question : Changing Registry Permissions with SubInACL.exe - Part 2

I thought I had this solve but it's not solved:

We have a system with a Windows 2003 server, and about 40 workstations and 100 users. The users use the workstations, and change around a lot. Sometimes they forget to log off. So winexit.scr is going to be the solution to that. Winexit.scr has been deployed, and the appropriate GPs to utilise it have been enabled and configured. There remains the problem registry key permissions issue for each user. Apparently the winexit.scr screen saver only works for administrators.

I need to go in and change the registry subkey permissions, so it works for users. Manually, this is a no-goer, so I've been trying to do it with subinacl.exe

Firslty, I need to know, does subinacl need to be install / present on the local machine? If so where do I need to put it so that it will work with a startup script? Currently, the script and the subinacl.exe file are on a server share.

Secondly, is this syntax ok?

subinacl /subkeyreg "HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMappings\Control.ini" /grant=Everyone=S
subinacl /subkeyreg "HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMappings\Control.ini" /grant=Everyone=C

I've tested it with the pause function, and I notice there is a syntax error and a report that "The System cannot find the file specified", although it says under "done" that something has been modified.

Thirdly, what happens if the clients use Swedish version of windows? I think that the "everyone" needs to be in the local language, does it not?

Answer : Changing Registry Permissions with SubInACL.exe - Part 2

Otherwise you wouldn't have seen the error message.
To be completely sure the script uses the subinacl.exe in the folder it's in, you can use this:
"%~dp0subinacl.exe" /subkeyreg "HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Control.ini" /grant=Everyone=S
"%~dp0subinacl.exe" /subkeyreg "HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Control.ini" /grant=Everyone=C

%~dp0 will expand to the *d*rive and *p*ath of parameter *0* (the script itself), so this will force the use of subinacl.exe in the script's folder.
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