Question : Wireless card missing in Acer Aspire 7720
We've just had a laptop back from repair (broken screen) the client used it for a couple of hours, then had trouble connecting to his wireless internet.
We've tried downloading & reinstalling drivers, however the device doesnt appear in device manager, either as a network device or any unknown item.
I've checked the card is physically present & grows warm with power on - so presumably functions ok, but doesnt appear on the software side at all.
The laptop is an Acer Aspire 7720, with an Internal Intel wireless device.
Any advice on how to locate the device in Vista much appreciated.
Answer : Wireless card missing in Acer Aspire 7720
probably not.
It is possible that the internal wifi card is bad.
I would try rebooting without it, then shut down and put it back in.
If no go, try a USB wifi adapter to see if it works OK
I hope this helps !
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